300 gallon Hoover Group, Portable Tote, rectangular, single shell, stainless steel, top clamp on manway, 44″ long x 44″ wide x 54″ high.
300 gallon Hoover Group, Portable Tote, rectangular, single shell, stainless steel, top clamp on manway, 44″ long x 44″ wide x 54″ high.
2,400 gallon CE Howard, Storage Tank model 7369B, rectangular horizontal, mild exterior, 2″ tri clamp outlet, overall dimensions 103″ high x 69″ wide x 140″ long, manhole
35 gallon Supply Tank, rectangular, stainless steel sanitary, 12″ x 25″ x 24″ deep, upper & lower float switches, side sight glass, side inlet with 2″ tri clamp connect...
Trough, stainless steel, 12″ wide x 10′ long x 14″ deep with stainless steel frame
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