300 gallon Batch Pasteurizers, Anderson AJ-300 digital control package, triple wall construction for uniform & efficient heat, gentle & effective sweep agitation, unique design accommodates small batch sizes, meets all PMO regulations
300 gallon Batch Pasteurizers, Anderson AJ-300 digital control package, triple wall construction for uniform & efficient heat, gentle & effective sweep agitation, unique design accommodates small batch sizes, meets all PMO regulations
2,000 gallon Crepaco, Pressure Wall Processor, dome top, wide & side sweep agitator with baffle, sprayball, 3″ clamp outlet, interior sidewall implosion, ODI use only
...50 gallon Crepaco, Pressure Wall Processor, “Flex Mix”, dome top, cone bottom incline, single motion wide & side sweep agitator with scraper blades, enclosed top with 6″ clam...
200 gallon Cherry Burrell, Processor, stainless steel, 2/3 jacketed, dome top with manway, dish bottom, mix type agitator, (2) 2.5″ inlets, 2″ bottom side outlet, 13″ outlet heigh...
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