300 gallon APV, Cooker/Cooler, stainless steel, wide bottom & side sweep agitator, 2″ tri clamp outlet, jacketed on cone & sidewall rated for 95 PSI at 350 degree F, approximate 72″ diameter x 90″ high, dome top, deep cone bottom
300 gallon APV, Cooker/Cooler, stainless steel, wide bottom & side sweep agitator, 2″ tri clamp outlet, jacketed on cone & sidewall rated for 95 PSI at 350 degree F, approximate 72″ diameter x 90″ high, dome top, deep cone bottom
28 liter New Brunswick Scientific, Fermenter Chamber, SA240 316 stainless steel shell with insulated body, National Board rated (#29) 35 PSI at 300 degree F (hydro tested to 70 PSI), rear illuminat...
450 gallon A&B Process Systems, Processor, 100 PSI jacket, National Board #121, single motion scrape agitator, sprayball, all stainless steel, 6.6 agitator RPM, cone bottom, 2″ bottom ou...
100 gallon Percolation Mix Tank, open top, stainless steel, 28″ diameter x 40″ deep, heavy duty with 2″ side bottom ball valve, 2 reinforcing rings, 24″ discharge height, mo...
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