3/200 gallon 3 Compartment Cherry Burrell Stainless Steel Insulated Mix Tank, 200 gallons Per Compartment, Dome Top with Manways, vertical mix type agitator, sprayball per compartment, 1.5″ outlet, dimensions; 106″L x 48″ W x 70″ tall
3/200 gallon 3 Compartment Cherry Burrell Stainless Steel Insulated Mix Tank, 200 gallons Per Compartment, Dome Top with Manways, vertical mix type agitator, sprayball per compartment, 1.5″ outlet, dimensions; 106″L x 48″ W x 70″ tall
4/150 gallon Insulated Flavor Vat, stainless steel, agitation, adjustable legs for leveling, lift top lids.
...2/250 gallon Multicompartment Tank, 2 compartment 250 gallons each, rectangular, stainless steel, each compartment 3′ x 3′ x 4′ deep, single wall, open top, stainless steel frame,...
3/150 gallon Crepaco, model F150-3 multicompartment tank, dome top, insulated mix and blend, mix agitation, sprayballs, 1.5″ clamp outlets. 44″ long x 133″ wide x 52″ dump r...
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