3/150 gallon multicompartment tank last used for CIP system, included single pass heat exchanger
3/150 gallon multicompartment tank last used for CIP system, included single pass heat exchanger
3/200 gallon United Stainless, CIP System, skid mounted, single shell make up tanks with side over flows, interior stainless steel steam coil in wash tank, IFM effector tank level sensors, G &...
3/150 gallon CIP System, 3 square 150 gallon tanks 35″ x 35″, stainless steel, sensors, APV air valves, stainless steel circulating pump. *Will need new controls.
...50 gallon CIP Tank, stainless steel, 22″ diameter x 36″ straight side with flat top & bottom, 1/4 HP 115/230 volt 1725 RPM agitation drive, agitator shaft 1/2″ diameter x 28&...
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