250 gallon Percolation Tank, open top, stainless steel, vertical, 42″ diameter x 42″ to step 10″ (52″ total depth), 75″ overall height with 20″ steel legs, ring mount 2″ tri clamp center bottom outlet, flat bottom
250 gallon Percolation Tank, open top, stainless steel, vertical, 42″ diameter x 42″ to step 10″ (52″ total depth), 75″ overall height with 20″ steel legs, ring mount 2″ tri clamp center bottom outlet, flat bottom
100 gallon Percolation Mix Tank, open top, stainless steel, 28″ diameter x 40″ deep, heavy duty with 2″ side bottom ball valve, 2 reinforcing rings, 24″ discharge height, mo...
400 gallon Lee, Fully Jacketed Cooking Tank model 600 pound FBT, fully jacketed body with Lee unicoil jacket, 52″ diameter x 48″ straight side, National Board rated (#1804) 100 PSI at 3...
250 gallon Cooker, pressure or vacuum cooker with water or low pressure steam jacket, 5 HP V belt drive, horizontal agitator, 36″ diameter x 5′ vertical stainless steel chamber with qui...
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