25 gallon Walker, dimple jacketed tank, NB#976, measures 17.50″ diameter X 22.50″ straight side with 1.5″ center bottom outlet. Jacket rated for 100 PSI at 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Mounted on four stainless steel pipe legs with casters.
25 gallon Walker, dimple jacketed tank, NB#976, measures 17.50″ diameter X 22.50″ straight side with 1.5″ center bottom outlet. Jacket rated for 100 PSI at 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Mounted on four stainless steel pipe legs with casters.
125 gallon Jacketed Tank, stainless steel, closed top, 32″ diameter x 36″ straight side x 6″ dished heads, full jacket, 3 steel legs, no jacket rating, top opening accepting 7R...
1,000 gallon DCI, Jacketed Storage Tank, stainless steel, vertical, 3 zone dimple jacket covered by insulation, tank 90″ diameter x 40″ straight side, cone bottom, 20″ top manway,...
250 gallon Jacketed Mix Tank, vertical, 42″ diameter x 42″ deep, dish bottom with 1″ outlet, 1/3 jacketed, bottom stainless steel stationary steam coil, stainless steel top cover,...
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