230 gallon Insulated Tank, stainless steel, 33″ diameter x 39″ high, flat top & bottom, 1/2″ bottom side outlet, Lightnin 30 HP 50/60 cycle agitator with 1725/1425 RPM, no legs
230 gallon Insulated Tank, stainless steel, 33″ diameter x 39″ high, flat top & bottom, 1/2″ bottom side outlet, Lightnin 30 HP 50/60 cycle agitator with 1725/1425 RPM, no legs
3,500 gallon Walker, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank model VHT4498, dome top, dish bottom, stainless steel, 316L 2B product contact surface, Lightnin center mounted 20/13 HP, 84/56 RPM, propeller a...
1,000 liter Luwa, Portable Tote, stainless steel, vertical, 38″ diameter x 44″ T/T, cone bottom, forklift slots, 15 PSI working pressure, approximate 2″ outlet, previously used in...
60 gallon Mix Tank, vertical, on common carbon steel base with controls, stainless steel tank insulated & equipped with thermowell, dish bottom & open top with half lids, fitted with 5 H...
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