2/1,500 gallon Crepaco, Refrigerated Storage Tank model R3000, 2 compartment, horizontal rectangular, jacketed, painted exterior, horizontal agitation, sprayballs, 2″ clamp outlets, 108″ wide x 120″ long x 90″ high
2/1,500 gallon Crepaco, Refrigerated Storage Tank model R3000, 2 compartment, horizontal rectangular, jacketed, painted exterior, horizontal agitation, sprayballs, 2″ clamp outlets, 108″ wide x 120″ long x 90″ high
2/2,000/3,000 gallon GH Hicks, Insulated Silo type Storage Tank, 2 compartment, dome top, slope bottoms, horizontal agitators, CIP & vent lines, front manways, sprayball, 3″ kettle valve ...
2/300 gallon Cherry Burrell, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank model B, 2 compartment, rectangular, vertical agitators, closed top with hinged cover, 2″ #15 top ports, 2″ clamp outlets, st...
4/300 gallon Cherry Burrell, Refrigerated Mix Tank, stainless steel, raised bridge with hinged covers, vertical mix type agitators, 1 sprayball per compartment, 1.5″ tri clamp outlet per comp...
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