190 gallon Flo-Bin stainless steel tote tank, 45″ x 46″ x 8″ straight side with 30″ cone bottom, 6″ outlet with butterfly valve, 18″ top opening. Portable on wheels/caster and also forklift slots.
190 gallon Flo-Bin stainless steel tote tank, 45″ x 46″ x 8″ straight side with 30″ cone bottom, 6″ outlet with butterfly valve, 18″ top opening. Portable on wheels/caster and also forklift slots.
Metal Craft, 3 Tank Brew System, (1) 25 gallon jacketed mix tank with sweep agitator, 90 PSI with 1/2 HP motor, (1) Chester Jensen model 12HTF plate heater with (31) 8″ x 30″ long stain...
5,600 gallon Owen, Fiberglass Tank model 86MAC, closed top, tank # 12374-12361, 90″ diameter x 17′ straight side with 16″ high steel pedestal, dish top & flat bottom with 2...
10 cubic foot Powder Surge Tank, stainless steel conical, 48″ diameter x 34″ high, mounted on (3) 2″ square stainless steel legs with casters, 53″ overall height, bolted top...
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