16 gallon Pope Scientific, Pressure Tank, 316 stainless steel, 17″ diameter x 16″ straight side, rated for 95 PSI at 100 degree F internal, portable on casters
16 gallon Pope Scientific, Pressure Tank, 316 stainless steel, 17″ diameter x 16″ straight side, rated for 95 PSI at 100 degree F internal, portable on casters
5 gallon Millipore, Pressure Vessel, stainless steel, 9.5″ diameter x 17″ straight side with various top inlets, rated for 100 PSI liquid
...20 gallon Pope Scientific, Jacketed Pressure Tank, 316L stainless steel, rated for 95 PSI maximum working pressure, 40 PSI at 100 degree F on jacket, tank 18″ diameter x 20″ deep with 2...
1,400 gallon Union Carbide, Pressure Vessel, work order #1152-50-0-73273, vertical, closed top, 60″ diameter x 10′ straight side with dished heads, shell rated 150 PSI at 400 degree F, ...
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