150 gallon Cherry Burrell, Stainless Steel Single Shell High Shear Mix Tank, flat top with hinged cover and safety grate cone bottom, 5HP rotor-stator high shear mixer, 2.5″ outlet, dimensions 40″ diameter x 90″ tall
150 gallon Cherry Burrell, Stainless Steel Single Shell High Shear Mix Tank, flat top with hinged cover and safety grate cone bottom, 5HP rotor-stator high shear mixer, 2.5″ outlet, dimensions 40″ diameter x 90″ tall
200 gallon Utensco, Tote, 26 cubic foot, 316 stainless steel, 54″ diameter x 58″ OAH, have lift out “Cone in Cone” design, 8″ discharge with butterfly valve, mounted o...
200 gallon Chempak, Dome Top Tank, stainless steel, single shell, with manhole, dish bottom with 1″ center bottom outlet, 41″ diameter x 69″ high, mounted on mild steel frame.
...2,400 gallon Vendome, Storage Tank, vertical, 304 stainless steel, 84″ diameter x 165″ tall including legs, constructed 304 stainless steel, ASME dished heads, top has (2) 3″ sig...
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