1,000 gallon Underwriters Lab, Holding Tank, 304 stainless steel, 64″ diameter x 72″ straight side with flat ends, horizontal design, fiberglass insulated, 3 flanges 6″, 4″ & 2″
1,000 gallon Underwriters Lab, Holding Tank, 304 stainless steel, 64″ diameter x 72″ straight side with flat ends, horizontal design, fiberglass insulated, 3 flanges 6″, 4″ & 2″
1,000 gallon Bcast Stainless Products, Insulated Storage Tank, vertical cylindrical, 304 stainless steel with #4 finish, 4mm thick, inverted cone top, flat bottom sloped 3/4″ per foot to outl...
200 gallon Crepaco, Batch Weigh System, single weigh tank, single electronic tension type load cell & mild steel support structure, sprayball, less control package
...3,500 gallon Walker, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank model VHT4498, dome top, dish bottom, stainless steel, 316L 2B product contact surface, Lightnin center mounted 20/13 HP, 84/56 RPM, propeller a...
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