100 gallon Percolation Mix Tank, open top, stainless steel, 28″ diameter x 40″ deep, heavy duty with 2″ side bottom ball valve, 2 reinforcing rings, 24″ discharge height, mounted in steel box frame, 4 angle legs, 68″ overall height
100 gallon Percolation Mix Tank, open top, stainless steel, 28″ diameter x 40″ deep, heavy duty with 2″ side bottom ball valve, 2 reinforcing rings, 24″ discharge height, mounted in steel box frame, 4 angle legs, 68″ overall height
450 gallon A&B Process Systems, Processor, 100 PSI jacket, National Board #121, single motion scrape agitator, sprayball, all stainless steel, 6.6 agitator RPM, cone bottom, 2″ bottom ou...
Aeromatic Fielder, High Shear Single Pot Processor model SP1, stainless steel construction, interchangeable bowl design with 10 liter & 3 liter stainless steel jacketed bowls, jackets rated 2 ...
50 gallon Pfaudler, Percolation Tank, open top, jacketed, vertical, 316 stainless steel vessel with carbon steel jacket, National Board rated (#37879 V&W stamp 1977) for 90 PSI at 350 degree F,...
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