100 gallon Cherry Burrell stainless steel electric water jacketed processor, open top with hinged lift off cover, slope bottom, vertical mix type agitator, 1.5″ outlet, dimensions; 34″ diameter X 66″ tall
100 gallon Cherry Burrell stainless steel electric water jacketed processor, open top with hinged lift off cover, slope bottom, vertical mix type agitator, 1.5″ outlet, dimensions; 34″ diameter X 66″ tall
240 gallon Percolator, 32 cubic foot, stainless steel, explosion proof, previously used for vanilla extraction, 2B interior & exterior finish, bolt on flat top cover with mild steel non produc...
50 gallon Pfaudler, Percolation Tank, open top, jacketed, vertical, 316 stainless steel vessel with carbon steel jacket, National Board rated (#37879 V&W stamp 1977) for 90 PSI at 350 degree F,...
600 gallon APV Crepaco, Processor, dome top, slope bottom, side & wide bottom sweep agitator, baffle, double sprayball, (2) 2″, no foam top inlets, 2″ outlet, (2) 1-1/4″ ther...
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