100 gallon Open top batch Pasteurizer and cheese vat, removable curd blade propeller with swing arm. Minimum 200,000 BTU hot water or steam boiler is required, Dimple plate, single zone, max 70 PSI, 1.5″ Tri clamp ports,
100 gallon Open top batch Pasteurizer and cheese vat, removable curd blade propeller with swing arm. Minimum 200,000 BTU hot water or steam boiler is required, Dimple plate, single zone, max 70 PSI, 1.5″ Tri clamp ports,
50 gallon Bcast Stainless Products, Cheese Vat, 2″ clamp outlet, 26″ wide x 37″ long x 37″ overall height, ID 22.5″ wide x 32″ long x 16.5″ deep, shipping ...
200 gallon Open Top Batch Pasteurizer, .50 HP Leeson gear motors with speed controller, swing arm removable shaft agitation, 1 heating zone dimple plate jacket, removable tank covers, product inlet...
2,000 pound Cheese Vat/Batch Pasteurizer Combo Vat model DH2000COV, removable agitator for cheese making gentle yet efficient, meets all PMO regulations for legal pasteurization.
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