100 gallon APV, Insulated Mix Tank, 1000 pound, 14.2 cubic foot, bridge & cover top, vertical agitator with scraper blades, 9″ x 3″ rectangular outlet, 34″ diameter x 77″ high
100 gallon APV, Insulated Mix Tank, 1000 pound, 14.2 cubic foot, bridge & cover top, vertical agitator with scraper blades, 9″ x 3″ rectangular outlet, 34″ diameter x 77″ high
400 gallon Chester Jensen, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank, stainless steel, bridge & cover top, cone bottom, cone sweep agitation, insulated sides & bottom, 86″ diameter, stainless st...
650 gallon Kennedy, Insulated Tank, stainless steel, 4.5′ diameter x 5.5′ high, top mounted Chemineer 1/2 HP agitator with 1725 RPM & gear reducer for a final RPM of 430, flat top &...
600 gallon Sani-Tank, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank, with center bridge lift top covers, super mixer agitation, 2.5″ clamp outlet, flat bottom, 69″ long x 73″ wide x 82″ h...
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