10 gallon Woojung Tech, Jacketed Mix Tank model K1-6A, 316 stainless steel, 15″ diameter x 15.5″ straight side with 3/8″ piston bottom discharge, 230 volt, last used in cosmetic industry, includes transfer pump & panel
10 gallon Woojung Tech, Jacketed Mix Tank model K1-6A, 316 stainless steel, 15″ diameter x 15.5″ straight side with 3/8″ piston bottom discharge, 230 volt, last used in cosmetic industry, includes transfer pump & panel
2,000 gallon Bcast Stainless Products, Insulated Storage Tank, vertical cylindrical, 316L stainless steel with #4 finish, 4mm thick, all welds ground & polished to US 3A standards, 304 exterio...
400 gallon Chester Jensen, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank, stainless steel, bridge & cover top, cone bottom, 316L product contact surface, wide bottom sweep agitator 3 HP, baffle, 3″ clam...
600 gallon Crepaco, Insulated Mix & Blend Tank, dome top, wide & side sweep agitator with baffle, sprayball, 2″ stainless valve, sanitary interior bottom head weld seam patch
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