10 gallon Tank, stainless steel, 0.8″ diameter x 24″ straight side, bolt on top, flat bottom, 1″ diameter top inlet, 1″ side bottom discharge
10 gallon Tank, stainless steel, 0.8″ diameter x 24″ straight side, bolt on top, flat bottom, 1″ diameter top inlet, 1″ side bottom discharge
314 gallon B&G, Tank, stainless steel, vertical, approximate 51″ diameter x 24″ straight side with dual 24″ cone bottoms, on casters with forklift access
...13,800 gallon Storage Tank, vertical, stainless steel clad, 168″ diameter x 144″ tall, flat bottom, slightly cone top, (2) 3″ threaded drains in bottom, side has 3″ flanged ...
140 gallon capacity Jacketed Tank, stainless steel, vertical, 36″ diameter x 32″ straight side, flat top with cover, dish bottom, 2″ center bottom discharge, 15″ top manway,...
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