10 gallon Jacketed Mixing Pot, stainless steel, open top with hinged locking lid, US Motors model E740-Y04Y012R139F vari drive module with drop type agitation 1″ outlet, 28″ wide x 43″ long x 58″ OAH.
10 gallon Jacketed Mixing Pot, stainless steel, open top with hinged locking lid, US Motors model E740-Y04Y012R139F vari drive module with drop type agitation 1″ outlet, 28″ wide x 43″ long x 58″ OAH.
14 gallon Brighton Copper Works, Fermenting Still, stainless steel construction, 12″ diameter x 31″ straight side height with 2″ dome top & dish bottom, capable of processing ...
250 gallon Percolation Tank, open top, stainless steel, vertical, 42″ diameter x 42″ to step 10″ (52″ total depth), 75″ overall height with 20″ steel legs, ring ...
50 gallon Pfaudler, Percolation Tank, open top, jacketed, vertical, 316 stainless steel vessel with carbon steel jacket, National Board rated (#37879 V&W stamp 1977) for 90 PSI at 350 degree F,...
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