10 gallon Jacketed Mixing Pot, stainless steel, open top with hinged locking lid, US Motors model E740-Y04Y012R139F vari drive module with drop type agitation 1″ outlet, 28″ wide x 43″ long x 58″ OAH.
10 gallon Jacketed Mixing Pot, stainless steel, open top with hinged locking lid, US Motors model E740-Y04Y012R139F vari drive module with drop type agitation 1″ outlet, 28″ wide x 43″ long x 58″ OAH.
Aeromatic Fielder, High Shear Single Pot Processor model SP1, stainless steel construction, interchangeable bowl design with 10 liter & 3 liter stainless steel jacketed bowls, jackets rated 2 ...
1,500 gallon capacity St. Regis, Processor, low pressure jacket, light duty single motion scrape agitator (no drive), 18″ top manhole with cover, 3″ bottom outlet with tri clamp fitting...
Steam Injected Screw Blancher, 12″ x 12′, stainless steel construction, 9″ pitch, insulated, side discharge, hollow shaft but flights are solid, comes with 2 rebuilt rotary unions...
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