Filler Other
Showing 26–50 of 73 results
Filler Hopper
Filler Hopper, stainless steel, 22″ x 20″ x 20″ guides product down to 4 openings, each 1.5″ diameter, emptying into shuttle cavities 1″ deep, 2.5 x 5.5″ cylinde...
FMC, Pre-Vacuum Filler model PVS118
FMC, Pre-Vacuum Can Filler model PVS118, set 401 x 411 can size, stainless steel contact, worm to star infeed, star discharge, inline configuration, counter clockwise rotation, mild steel base, nee...
FMC, Volumetric Hank Pack Filler
FMC, Volumetric Hank Pack Filler, 10 pockets, 603 diameter, stainless steel contact, disk infeed & discharge
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GEI, Volume Filler
GEI, Volume Filler, controlled, stainless steel, 250 volt, 20″ diameter hopper infeed, 1″ diameter discharge spout, no name plate
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General Scale, Filling Line model 502S
General Scale, Filling Line model 502S, net weight for open top pails, fill 1 to 7 gallon pails at speeds up to 14 containers per minute, fill accuracy of 0.05 pounds, line includes dual head fille...
Heat & Control, Rotary Bottle Filler model CF
Heat & Control, Rotary Bottle Filler model CF, 230 volt, 8″ wide x 12′ long thru conveyor with approximate 1/2 HP drive motor
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Holmatic, Filler model DF20
Holmatic, Filler model DF20, 6″ wide container conveyor 9′ long, all stainless steel product contact, anti drip fill spouts, cylinders 5.5″ diameter x 12.5″ long
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Horix, 21 valve Liquid Gravity Filler model HBSG21DA
Horix, 21 valve Liquid Gravity Filler model HBSG21DA, sanitary glass jar or can, steam heated 316 stainless steel bowl, right hand feed, vacuum vent clean out, will fill 202-211 diameter containers...
Horix, 44 valve Liquid Gravity Filler model HFV44
Horix, 44 valve Liquid Gravity Filler model HFV44, 44 fill heads on 4.5″ centers with 5/8″ fill tubes, currently set for 750mm round bottles, requires 230/460 vac 3 phase electrical sup...
Horix, 44 valve Liquid Gravity Filler model HFV44
Horix, 44 valve Liquid Gravity Filler model HFV44, 44 fill heads 4.5″ centers with 5/8″ fill tubes, currently filler set for 1 liter round bottles, requires 230/460 vac 3 phase electric...
Horix, 9 valve Liquid Gravity Filler
Horix, 9 valve Liquid Gravity Filler, 10″ center between valves, currently set for filling 1 gallon jars, lid to tank is a split 2 piece dome top, belt driven but has no motor at this time, s...
Ishida 10 head weigh scale system
Ishida 10 head weigh scale system. Stainless steel contact surfaces. Model CCW 200LC. Capable of measuring out 0 g to 266g per cycle. Requires 230 vac 1 ph electrical supply.
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Ishida 14 Bucket Rotary Scale Model CCW-S-212
Ishida 14 Bucket Rotary Scale, Model CCW-S-212, with stainless steel Buckets , weight range of 14g.- 454g., with control panel.
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Ishida 16 Head Rotary Scale Model CCW-M-216B
Ishida 16 Head Rotary Scale Model CCW-M-216B-4/30-PB R, 3 Liter Buckets, 16 Head with Booster Hoppers, Dual Discharge at 80 Per /Minute, High speed unit can run up to 160 per/ minute as a single di...
Ishida Combination scale with Ilapak form, fill & seal machine
Ishida Combination scale with Ilapak form, fill & seal machine, new in 2001. Ishida model CCW-EM-214/30, 14-bucket with 4-3/4″ x 5-1/2″ x 8″ deep buckets, smooth buckets, dimp...
Kalix Dupuy, Rotary Indexing Liquid Filler model KX-Mascara
Kalix Dupuy, Rotary Indexing Liquid Filler model KX-Mascara, 24 stations with removable pucks for oval container formerly running cosmetic product, post mounted Moyno pump style filling head by Ima...
Large size self feeding auger filler for powder
Large size self feeding auger for powder filler in stainless steel sanitary design, 66″ total length, 63.5″ long flighted auger length, 2.75″ diameter auger, #34 auger, auger flig...
Mateer Burt, Auger Filler model 31A969
Mateer Burt, Auger Filler model 31A969, stainless steel contacts, 2 cubic foot stainless steel hopper with internal agitator, 1.5 HP electric motor drive at 365 RPM, Toledo model 3185 platform scal...
Mateer Burt, Single Head Auger Filler model 909
Mateer Burt, Single Head Auger Filler model 909, all stainless steel contacts, hopper 21″ diameter x 20″ deep leading to 1.5″ discharge, with NB series 9 control box with digital ...
Mateer, Auger Filler model 31A
Mateer, Auger Filler model 31A, digi-counter, 1/3 HP 230/440 volt slow speed agitator drive, 1 HP 230/460 volt auger drive, stainless steel product contact, liquid filling head with cut-off valve, ...
Mateer, Controlled Volume Filler model CVF(50-S)
Mateer, Controlled Volume Filler model CVF (50-S), twin impeller filling system in stainless steel housing with large 16 gallon hopper, pumped products are metered via counted rotation of twin impe...
Meyer, Bulk Tote Fill Station model EDF-48-2448-3HDS
Meyer, Bulk Tote Fill Station model EDF-48-2448-3HDS, station includes 24″ wide x 48″ long stainless steel vibratory feeder with 3 vibratory mechanisms, rated 115 volt, complete with hy...
Mondial model 2010 Bottle Filling Line
Mondial, bottle filling line, 8 Head Bottle Filler, Crown type capper, gas dosing unit, Labeler, Disparager included. All Stainless Steel, Last used at a Cidery & Brewery. Gravity type filler f...
Nalbach, Rotary Volumetric Filler model 32RC
Nalbach, Rotary Volumetric Filler model 32RC, high speed, for free flowing powder/granular products, bottom up fill; +/-0.5% fill accuracy for a constant density product, totally enclosed dust hood...
National Instruments, Filmatic Bottom Up Fill Attachment model FSB2
National Instruments, Filmatic Bottom Up Fill Attachment model FSB2, 0-7″ long bottom up stroke, designed to operate with Filmatic filler models AB, AB5, DAB, DAB5 & DAB6, equipped with ...
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