by Gary Schier | Jan 2, 2023 | Uncategorized, Batch Pasteurizer
A batch pasteurizer is a type of food processing equipment used to reduce harmful bacteria safely and effectively in liquid food products. This is typically done by heating the product for a period, usually fewer than 15 seconds, at temperatures between 145-160°F...
by Gary Schier | Dec 22, 2022 | Uncategorized, Silo Insulated and Jacketed Storage Tanks
Silo Insulated and Jacketed Storage Tanks Silo-insulated and jacketed storage tanks are an efficient and cost-effective way to store large quantities of liquids or solids. These tanks offer superior thermal insulation properties, helping to maintain the temperature of...
by Gary Schier | Dec 22, 2022 | Uncategorized, Dairy Equipment, Used Dairy Equipment
USED DAIRY EQUIPMENT Schier Company is a used dairy equipment supplier and has specialized in providing used processing and packaging equipment for the dairy industry since 1997. Schier company’s used equipment inventory includes high-grade dairy processing...
by Gary Schier | Jul 15, 2021 | Butter, Uncategorized
Butter is a staple in households and cuisines throughout the world. From savory dishes like garlic butter chicken to sweet desserts like butter cake to the simple pat of butter that you spread on your morning bagel, butter can elevate even the most basic of dishes....
by Gary Schier | Jul 15, 2021 | Homogenization, Uncategorized
Milk homogenization is the process of breaking down fat molecules in milk so that the milk is less likely to separate. It helps to preserve the shelf life of milk and give it a consistent color and texture. Without homogenization, the cream would rise to the top of...
by Gary Schier | Jul 15, 2021 | Uncategorized, Butter
Schier Company sells a vast variety of new and used dairy-making equipment to support all of your needs. Our used butter-making machines can revolutionize the time and energy it takes you to make butter. One of our machines, the butter churn, can make quick work of...
by Gary Schier | May 20, 2020 | Uncategorized, Cheese
From its discovery around 8000 BC to the present day, human beings throughout history have enjoyed cheese. Societies around the world have made cheese from the milk of cows, goats, camels, and even reindeer. While the type of cheese may change, the process of...
by Gary Schier | May 20, 2020 | Separators, Uncategorized
Many dairy product producers are always thinking about how to take the next step in their business. This can be done by diversifying product offerings. Instead of simply selling milk and other milk products, producing cream can be a gateway into a whole new range of...
by Gary Schier | May 20, 2020 | Uncategorized, Soft Serve
As we’re nearing summer, chances are you will find yourself enjoying soft-serve in the near future. Americans have a long-standing fondness for this dessert. These sweet treats have a unique texture and are a great, quick dessert that will cool you down in the...
by Gary Schier | May 20, 2020 | Uncategorized, Industrial Kettles
When you hear the word kettle, you may think of the tea kettle that you leave on your stove. Commercial kettles are very similar in practice, but they are much larger to meet the needs of manufacturers and food preparers around the world. Kettles, especially open-top...
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